Use of recycled materials as feedstock of 3D printing technologies

Lattice metamaterials for seismic isolation and impact protection
NEW MATerials and Techniques for Sustainable Engineering
Next generation thermal insulation materials
Fibers and filaments in recycled and natural materials for sustainable engineering and additive manufacturing
A primary goal of NEWMATT is the development of fused deposition modeling (FDM) techniques for 3D printing that make use of filaments obtained through recycling of plastic waste, such as, e.g., Nylon and PET. Nylon stands as a convenient alternative to classic FDM filaments, like PLA and ABS, being extremely strong, flexible and versatile. It is very flexible when manufactured in thin layers, but shows excellent adhesion between adjacent layers when used for the 3D printing of functional parts. Its low friction coefficient and its capacity to resist high temperatures, make such material an excellent choice to additively manufacture wear resistant materials and structures, such as, e.g., grinding applications in dentistry, the reinforcement of composite materials, mechanical metamaterials, and the 3D printing of sport shoes. NEWMATT makes exclusive used of pre- and post-consumer recycled nylon (“R-NYLON”) for the manufacturing of eco-compatible FDM filaments, with particular focus on recycled nylon obtained from waste fishing nets. NEWMATT in this way intends to contribute to the protection of the sea environment, which is one of the most serious issues of this time. Our R-NYLON filaments exhibit high strength, marked flexibility and great durability, and come in a large variety of colors and very competitive prices. All NEWMATT materials are designed and tested through advanced scientific research developed at the University of Salerno and partner research institutions (see PRODUCTS-SERVICES and PATENTS-PUBLICATIONS). NEWMATT extensively employs environment-friendly 3D printing technologies to manufacture, test and patent next-generation materials and structures for sustainable engineering. Such materials design and manufacturing activities are complemented by the formulation and testing of innovative techniques for the nondestructive evaluation of materials and structures.

c/o Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132
Fisciano (SA)
web: www.newmatt.com
Phone:123-456-7890 / Email:newmatt@gmail.com